Room 3

About Us

Room 3 is a Year 2 class at St John Bosco. 

We're a lively and clever bunch!  Room 3 has shown an absolute love of writing and science.  Every Monday we explore an area of science and integrate this into our sound for the week.  We call it language experience or discovery.  It's a great way for us to build our vocabulary and to develop skills in inquiry, research and science.

Room 3 loves swimming!  We can all put our head under, and we have been learning how to float on our backs and fronts and to glide.  We're looking forward to a another focus for PE in term 2.

For fun, Room 3 likes to Go Noodle!  This is a website that has child-focused brain breaks and fitness activities.  It's a blast!  We use it as a reward for great work and behaviour.

We love to use equipment for maths and we're learning about place value and number strategies.

Finally... we are lucky enough to have iPads in our classroom.  Students use these to learn and create amazing work.  Check out our blog soon for some examples of quality writing we did using Book Maker.