Room 3

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Stationery and Book Bags

Hi Everyone!
What a great week it has been so far!! I've been so impressed with how fast the Room 3 students have picked up new skills.  This week has been about getting to know the kids and for me to get used to school routines.  

So.... stationery... I'd like students to keep their own pens, pencil, glue stick and jovis in a pencil case.  I'd like to promote further self management skills by supporting students to be responsible for their own stationery.  If your child could bring a pencil case to school that would be great! 

I'm going to keep their spare glue sticks, and all whiteboard pens and sharpies in a supply tray, and I'll dish these out as and when we need them.

Regarding books... as we work in these next week, I'll begin to label them.  They'll have a home in the communal book shelf.  If you'd like to cover them, please feel free to pick them up anytime (as long as you can return them the following day :)  ).

Finally... book bags... I'm going to send the first lot of home learning home next Monday.  If you could make sure your child has a home learning bag and a library bag.  We have a few in class, so I will write a note in their home learning book if they need a new book bag.

Thanks to everyone who has popped by to say Hi.  It's been a lovely welcome.
Kind regards,

1 comment:

  1. Should have just looked on the blog to find out about pencil cases! Haha!! Thanks, great birthday present for Regan next week! Classroom looks great! Happy to parent help when needed too!
